Monday, May 9, 2016

EMC World 2016: Biggest Takeaways

So Much...

There were so many announcements and so much excitement going on during EMC World last week that I just could not keep up with everything. So I decided to really hone in on a few of the products and do my bets to glean as much as I could during my time. Here is my take on a few of the products/announcements that happened during EMC World this year.

Unity (Mid-Range)

Web GUI built on HTML5 (Not Java!)! Enough Said!

That aside, This product family has some real promise because of its simplicity and scalability. With the price point starting at $10,000 (Mixed Storage) & $18,000 (All Flash) for 2 TB, this makes it a heavy contender in this space again. This will allow EMC to directly battle with companies like PureStorage again!

I'm going to say it just one more time... HTML5 built GUI

VCE VxRail/VxRack

The VxRail/VxRack Products are powerhouses that I think will be heavily utilized in the near future. Right now its a little too bleeding edge for most traditional enterprises to just pick up and run with it, but give it just a little while longer (1-3 years) in the market and let it prove its worth and I think this line-up will be an unstoppable force. They were already touting several huge contenders in the ring that have started digging into this market that are having huge success. 
I'm excited to see how this pans out and I'm hoping we dig in as well.

All-Flash Isilon (Nitro)

I had to mention this because it blew me away that this was a thing! Once the reasoning for this monstrosity was given (Mostly Video Rendering for the larger movie productions) it made a little more sense, but to the small fry like me and mine it just sounded too ridiculous to be real.

Useful Links/Info

Breakout Sessions Slide Decks