Thursday, March 23, 2017

Cisco Networking Cheat Sheet

Task at Hand

Provide a comprehensive list of useful Cisco Networking commands. This list will continue to grow as I find more useful commands

Personal Blurb

This is my personal list of Cisco Networking based commands that I've found helpful throughout my my working inside that world

CLI Cheat Sheet (Mileage may vary depending on OS Version)

Display Commands
  • Show Running Configuration for a specific Interface: sh run int eth<switch>/1/<port>
  • Show vLANs on Switch: sh vlan | inc <VLAN Name>
  • Find Device MAC based on IP Address:  sh ip arp <ip address>
    • Switch has to have Layer 3 Enabled
Configuration Commands (Assuming you are in config terminal)
  • Configure 1 Port: 
    • Enter Config for the specific port: interface ethernet<switch id>/1/<port id>
    • Change Specific Port Setting:
      • Example
        • Down the port: shut
        • Up the Port: no shut
        • Set the VLAN Access: switchport access vlan 300
        • etc...
  • Configure a Range of Ports (separated by "-"): interface ethernet<switch id>/1/<port id>-<port id>
    • Example - interface ethernet101/1/1-10
      • This will allow you to configure ports 1 thru 10 at once
  • Configure a Group of Ports (separated by ","): interface ethernet<switch id>/1/<port id>,ethernet<switch id>/1/<port id>
    • Example - interface ethernet101/1/1,3,5
      • This will allow you to configure ports 1, 3, & 5 at once
  • "Null Out" a Port: ip route <ip address> null0
    • This will shutdown the port's traffic without having to administratively shut it down

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Isilon: Re-IP a Subnet

Task at Hand

Re-IP a Subnet on an Isilon Cluster

Personal Blurb

I was recently handed a task to re-ip a subnet in one of our Isilon clusters, which at first glance I had a bit of a panic moment. After I had some time to cool down, I went about creating a task list of how I would go about this. As soon as I broke this task into the appropriate steps, it took some of the edge off of the project.

Let's get to Work!

  1. Remove & Create A Record for the new SmartConnect IP
    1. Log into the appropriate domain controller using your "Administrator" account
    2. Open DNS Manager
    3. In the console tree, expand the appropriate domain's Forward Lookup Zones
    4. In most cases, you will have a sub folder/domain named "Isilon". Expand the Isilon sub domain
    5. Remove Original A Record for the Old SmartConnect IP
    6. Create an A Record for the New SmartConnect IP

  2. Adjust Delegation in DNS to point to the new SmartConnect IP

    1. Open the properties on the respective delegation record
    2. Adjust the "NS" Record to use the New Smartconnect IP

  3. Delete Original Subnet

    1. Connect to your Isilon Cluster Web GUI
    2. Open up Cluster Management > Network Configuration
    3. Select the appropriate Subnet
    4. Select "Delete Subnet" link to the right of the subnet's name

  4. Create Subnet

    1. Connect to your Isilon Cluster Web GUI
    2. Open up Cluster Management > Network Configuration
    3. Select "Add subnet"
    4. Fill out the Subnet Form 
    5. Fill out the IP Address Pool Form
    6. Fill out the SmartConnect Settings Form
    7. Select & Configure which Node Interfaces will be used by this Subnet
    8. Hit Submit

  5. Validate the subnets configuration looks good
  6. Validate that the DNS Delegation NS Record shows to be connected
  7.  You are now Up and Running on the new IP Scheme!

Side Note

I worked with an EMC Tech on this Playbook and he helped tweak a couple of points, but he gave his rubber stamp, which was really nice to have before I moved forward with the execution.
